Tupy’s Innovation Process is awarded by Fapesc
June 27, 2022
Tupy was the winner of Santa Catarina’s Professor Caspar Erich Stemmer Innovation Award in the category of Service or Process. The achievement was announced this week in Florianópolis. Tupy’s innovation process, awarded by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Estado de Santa Catarina (Fapesc) was structured based on two essential elements, the process and people, as explained by Fábio Caramori, Tupy’s Innovation and New Business Development manager. “Over more than 80 years, Tupy has been groundbreakingly responding to market challenges. Implementing an innovation platform is a way to consider all appropriate processes and tools to create value from diverse skills. After all, great innovations do not come from solo flights, but from the participation of the entire ecosystem, which is the proposal of Labs.”
Labs includes ShiftT, Tupy’s startup accelerator, the Open Innovation Portal, new business initiatives, intra-entrepreneurship, operational improvements, and all other actions that further the ecosystem and enable the Company, its employees, and partners to be increasingly innovative.
THE AWARD – To encourage and recognize successful management of Science, Technology, and Innovation that help develop innovative entrepreneurship in the State, Santa Catarina created the Santa Catarina’s Professor Stemmer Innovation Award, in honor of this notable professor from Santa Catarina who stood out in Brazil in the innovation area. Fapesc is responsible for organizing the award, which is divided into 10 categories: Innovation Agent; Innovative Researcher; Innovative University Student; Innovative Professor; Innovative Young Student; Innovative ICT; Product Innovation; Service or Process Innovation; Social and Environmental Impact Innovation; and Innovative Government.

Fábio Caramori, Innovation and New Business Development Manager at Tupy (center), Yris Fregulhia de Campos, trainee at Tupy; and Fábio Zabot Holthausen, President of Fapesc