Our philosophy

Consistent business relations, based on trust and integrity, with supply of quality products, and terms and quantities at competitive costs.

Market coverage

As a true Brazilian multinational company in the market of engine blocks and cylinder heads made of iron, Tupy also stands out in the markets of malleable iron fittings and continuous bars by continuous casting.

Long-term relationships

Tupy works, in all of its plants and offices, with the perspective of exceeding the customers’ expectations in terms of quality, delivery and services. Therefore, it pursues the best relation with national and international suppliers

Major materials and services

Raw materials

· Ferrous scrap from generation and obsolescence
· Paint for casting and finish
· Coke
· Copper
· Ferrous and non-ferrous alloys
· Industrial chemicals
· Abrasives
· Bentonites and sands
· Admixtures for core shops

Machines and tools

· Casting molds
· Special tools and devices
· Machining solutions

Indirect and operational materials

· Items for maintenance, repairs and operations
· Parts of the most diversified pieces of equipment

Capital investment

· Casting equipment
· Machining centers
· Information Technology
· Infrastructure


· Feed
· Technical and building maintenance
· Cleaning
· Domestic and international logistics and internal move
· Security
· Health
· Power

Report Channel

The Ethics and Conduct Report Channel is a contact way available to all the employees and their target publics. By using this tool, reporters may inform eventual deviations of behavior with full assurance of anonymity and information protection.



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